Introducing, The Basic Drum Recording Template.
For those looking into Drum Recording, it can seem like an intense world of knowledge.
This template is here to solve any basic questions, or concerns you may have.
Plug-and-Play ready for those looking for: Basic Tracking, Content Recording, or just simply looking to dive into the world of Recording.
Helping you stay organized and detail oriented, yet at the same time, confident to record the playing for the song that’s needed.
Features within the Session:
Song + Section Labeling
- Bold + White MIDI Clips to help you label sections of songs.
- Ability to create as many as you want, for as many parts in the arrangement you would like.
Song Reference Group
- Sub-Group for reference files such as: Drum-less, Full Song, and Instrumental.
- Sub-Group for you to import stems of the song you’re tracking. Helping you fine-tune your recording process.
Drum Recording Group
- 20 Possible Audio Channels for Full Drum Tracking.
- Labeling of each input to help you stay organized,
Drum Bus
- Create a master recording of your Drum takes.
Master Channel
- Includes a Limiter Plug-In to help watch your overhead on Master Volume.
Project File:
Starting DAW
- Ableton Live 11
Session Size
- 219 KB
Starting CPU:
- 256 Samples: 1%
- 512 Samples: 0%
- 1024 Samples: 0%
Basic Drum Recording Template
$25.00 Regular Price
$12.50Sale Price
PayPal: @SageWeeber
Venmo: @SageyWeebs